The path tracer I talked about in my previous post runs on one core, but my laptop’s CPU has 4 physical cores. That seems like an easy way to make this thing faster right? There’s a Rust library called Rayon which provides parallel iterators to divide your data into tasks and run it across multiple threads.
One of the properties of Rust’s type system is it detects shared memory data races at compile time. This property is a product of Rust’s ownership model which does not allow shared mutable state. You can read more about this in the Fearless Concurrency chapter of the Rust Book or for a more formal analysis Securing the Foundations of the Rust Programming Language. As a consequence of this, Rayon’s API also guarantees data-race freedom.
This post will describe how I went about translating a C++ project to Rust, so it’s really intended to be an introduction to Rust for C++ programmers. I will introduce some of the Rust features I used and how they compare to both the C++ used in RTIAW’s code and more “Modern” C++ features that are similar to Rust. I probably won’t talk about ray tracing much at all so if you are interested in learning about that I recommend reading Peter’s book!
Additionally neither the book C++ or my Rust are optimized code, Aras’s blog series covers a lot of different optimizations he’s performed, I have not done that yet. My Rust implementation does appear to perform faster than the C++ (~40 seconds compared to ~90 seconds for a similar sized scene). I have not investigated why this is the case, but I have some ideas which will be covered later. I mostly wanted to check that my code was in the same ball park and it certainly seems to be.
Today I read Hugo Tunius’ blog post Exploring SIMD on Rust, in which after some experimentation he didn’t get the performance boost he expected to see from SIMD. I’ve also been meaning to have more of a play with SIMD so I thought I’d take a look at his git repo and see if I can work out what’s going on.
This is my second attempt at a blog. My previous blog is still being served at but I haven’t posted anything there since 2009. Right now it just collects spambot comments.
Hopefully I will write about some technical topics here sometime in the near future now that I have the infrastructure in place. I have a few things in mind, mostly to do with Rust (the programming language not the game).